Genius Organizing Hacks for Small Laundry Rooms
Whether you love laundry day or not, it's a chore you can't escape away from. Your laundry room can be dark, too cluttered with piles of clothes in every corner and plain. Or, on the other hand, it can also be a fun yet minimalistic area that maximizes functionality and storage. So, if you're looking for better ways to organize your small laundry room, here are some hacks to revolutionize your laundry game.
Add Better Storage Options
Tossing your laundry supplies and misplaced clothes wherever you find a free spot in the laundry room may seem convenient. However, with some transitions to better storage options, you can save yourself the trouble of a messy, unorganized laundry room where nothing is where it should be. For a trendy yet eco-friendly look, shift your laundry supplies to glass or plastic containers. You can switch to eco-friendly laundry detergents as well to play your part in saving the environment. Also, place baskets in the laundry room. You can never go wrong with baskets, and they'll help in keeping your supplies in one corner.
Utilize Narrow Spaces
Most of us overlook the narrow spaces in the laundry room because what possible use could they be? These tiny spaces make a world of difference when it comes to small laundry rooms. Invest in a slim rolling cart with multiple tiers, and you'll already have a place to store so many things without cluttering the space. Here's another idea: benefit from wall-to-wall or maybe cabinet-to-cabinet tension rods that'll provide an ideal option to hang your washed clothes.
Hang Them All
Anywhere and everywhere in a laundry room can be disguised as a hanging corner. For instance, why not add a few hooks to the side of your washing machine or dryer. You don't have to use cabinets to store clothes or supplies inside it; use the exterior to hang your towels. Walls come in handy for hanging organizers or hooks that’ll let you declutter without taking up more space. If you’re worried about drilling a hole in these places, magnetic hooks or organizers are the alternatives you need in your life.
Make Use of the Cabinets
Think out of the box and use your cabinets stylishly that even adds much more storage. For example, organize dirty/white/black/colored clothes in each cabinet separately, so they're right there when you need to grab them and save up some time. This trick will also save time between having to separate a massive pile of clothes. Another creative idea is to hide your washing machine and dryer within customized cabinets, especially if you don't have a designated laundry room. They'll be right there in the kitchen, and no one would notice
Contemporary Ironing Options
Ironing boards that take up tons of space are a thing of the past. Instead, minimalistic designing calls for wall-mounted or foldable ironing boards that you can take out whenever you need them and then put back in place. You can even hide them in a closet. If neither of these options works for you, go for a simple ironing blanket.
Expandable Hampers are Handy
Hampers take up space, that's a given, but they're also convenient when it comes to separating and organizing your clothes. Many people use them as a 'dirty laundry basket,' and it works! Low on space? Go for expandable/collapsible hampers that you can compress when they're not in use and expand when they are. We suggest buying double-compartment expandable mesh hampers too so that you can easily separate your clothes without a fuss.
Final Verdict
It’s true; you work with what you got. Although, it doesn’t mean a small laundry room is fated to be the messiest area of your home. With these tips, let your creativity direct a redesign, and your laundry room can quickly become a place of comfort rather than a traumatizing laundry experience every week.